Mechanika Inwazja Archetypy Silk Hiding Steel
Silk Hiding Steel
Co to za archetyp
Archetyp zazwyczaj kojarzony z kobietami; elegancka, uprzejma i zawsze dobrze wychowana dama, która zawsze dostaje czego chce na drodze walki czy manipulacji oraz nie zawaha się osobiście wkroczyć do walki i działania.
to keep the ladylike class
to arrange everything to work as she wants
- unnerve / provoke <someone> with stoicism and grace
- serve <something nice> to <someone> with pleasure
- organize / inspire <someone> around herself
- appear weak and vulnerable to <someone>
- strike <someone> directly with concealed <weapon>
- smile gently in the face of terror / danger of <something>
- outsmart <someone> and maneuever to have an upper hand
- act polite and proper doing <something> because of <reason>
- plan <something> dangerous and execute it flawlessly
- endure horrendous beating / assault from <someone>
- shield / protect <someone> important using intrigue
- hire an assasin / agent to help in political issues against <someone>
- find weak spot in <someone's> plan and exploit it
- use diplomacy to disarm <someone>
- imprison <someone> using politics and guile
- stop the fight with a stern look / impassionate speech
- manipulate <someone> into doing <something>
- orchestrate an <event> using agents
- work hard for pleasure
- use her social network to change the balance of power
- fulfill an order to the letter… warping its spirit
- destroy someone's reputation
- use subtlety to achieve <something>
- gather unexpected allies unable to work together because of personalities
- reveal incriminating / secret / hidden information to <someone>
- give shelter to <someone> against the will of <someone else>