Mechanika Inwazja Archetypy Dominator
Dominator / Dominator
Co to za archetyp
Dominator niekoniecznie chce rządzić światem. To, czego Dominator pragnie to absolutna kontrola nad kimś / czymś; całkowite zniewolenie i złamanie. Control freak, operujący przede wszystkim przy użyciu silnych emocji (najczęściej strachem), Dominator jest jednocześnie wielbiony, nienawidzony jak i <pasywna forma od przerażający :P> przez swoje ofiary.
to enslave <someone / something>
to break others, to be completely in control
to completely dominate others
- select a new <victim>
- expand his influence onto <someone>
- make a show of his power (directly, with minions, with others' obedience)
- exert influence on <captive> with strong emotions (terror, torment, lust)
- force an <uninfuenced> to do something with (blackmail, strong emotions, corruption)
- convert/corrupt <someone> with (gifts, trade, emotions)
- hit those close to <someone> to (elicit emotions, gain obedience, break)
- study <someone> to find weak spots
- demand absolute obedience from <someone>
- reward <someone> handsomely
- announce future badness to (elicit <emotion>, force <action)
- acquire immoral minions for <mission>
- make a deal with the devil to gain <something>
- present a devil's choice to <someone> to (corrupt, surrender, …)
- prepare a trap for <someone> using <bait>
- capture / kidnap <someone>
- operate / supply a dungeon in <location>
- organize a cult
- control <someone's> environment
- defile <someone's> sanctuary